Spartanburg School District One is pleased to announce that Mrs. Katie Darby is the 2019-2020 Spartanburg One Teacher of the Year. Mrs. Darby serves as the PCD teacher at Inman Elementary School.
She began her teaching career at Campobello Gramling School, where she worked for twelve years and has spent the last three years at Inman Elementary School. She holds a Masters of Education and she and her husband, Jeremy, have one daughter.
“Her nurturing disposition is evident in the way she greets her children every day with a big smile, welcoming hug, and encouraging words. She is one of the most patient people I know. Mrs. Darby eagerly meets these little ones where they are in their abilities and goes above and beyond to help them grow and learn,” says Mrs. Katie Mills, guidance counselor of Inman Elementary.
Mrs. Darby will participate in several state-level workshops for all District Teachers of the Year from across the state and enter the South Carolina Teacher of the Year competition this spring. We congratulate Mrs. Darby on this outstanding honor and thank her for her service to students.
The district also wants to congratulate its 2019-2020 school teachers of the year:
Olena Atkins Campobello-Gramling School
Hillary Thompson Holly Springs-Motlow Elementary School
Katie Darby Inman Elementary School
Cherie Freire Inman Intermediate School
MaryEllen Lovin New Prospect Elementary School
Paula Jeter O. P. Earle Elementary School
Linde Hash Landrum Middle School
Jessica Wofford Mabry Middle School
Robert Gray Chapman High School
Stephanie Roach Landrum High School
Waylan Spake H. B. Swofford Career Center
All Teachers of the Year were recognized at the Spartanburg One Back-to-School convocation among the entire district faculty and staff on August 13 and were honored by the Spartanburg One Board of Trustees at their August meeting.