USC Upstate Grad Excited to Work With Chamber

The Spartanburg Area Chamber of Commerce’s new director of marketing said her experiences at the University of South Carolina Upstate created an excellent foundation for success.

Brooke Robertson is a 2013 graduate of the University of South Carolina Upstate, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts in art studio with an emphasis in graphic design. She said that, as a student, her education went beyond how to use modern design tools.

“I feel like what I gained from there was the ability to think creatively, to think outside the box, and that’s what really set me apart from other designers that I’ve met that are in my realm,” she said. “It’s because I was challenged to think differently and think about the design and the concept, instead of just learning how to use the tools and programs. I feel like I have a competitive edge.”

In addition, Robertson praised the professors at USC Upstate for their passion.

“My experience at USC Upstate was great,” she said. “It was really hands-on, and all the professors had their own backgrounds and histories and things they’re really passionate about. They’re really passionate about each thing that they teach and speak about, and I just absorbed everything that they said. … I feel like the team of professors I got to work with was really strong.”

Robertson, who had previous full-time experience at a local business for which she had interned while at USC Upstate, said this is an exciting time to be working with the Spartanburg chamber.

“I’m really excited – there’s so much growth in Spartanburg right now, and to be a part of this movement in this moment is priceless, so I’m really excited and really thankful that I get to be a part of it,” she said.

Since joining the chamber in October, Robertson said she has been primarily involved with the launch of the chamber’s One Spartanburg program.

“It’s a way to get the community involved in improving our prosperity and our economy countywide,” she said of the program. “That’s been a really big part of what I’m doing at the chamber.”