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Grammy®-nominated Black Violin is a musical duo comprised of violist Wil B. and violinist Kev Marcus that combines classical training and hip-hop influences to create a distinctive multi-genre sound often described as “classical boom.” The pair uses their unique blend to challenge stereotypes and preconceived notions of what a classical musician looks and sounds like, all while encouraging people of all ages, races, and economic backgrounds to join together and break down cultural barriers.
Over the course of 17 years, Black Violin has performed with world-renowned artists like Yo-Yo Ma, won Showtime at the Apollo (2005), sold-out headline performances at venues across the country, including a sold-out two-night run at The Kennedy Center in 2018 and received a Grammy nomination for the most recent release Take the Stairs. NPR has taken note and declared that “their music will keep classical music alive for the next generation.”