City Council Approves Agreement for Development to Replace Norris Ridge Apartments

Spartanburg City Council took another major step forward in the revitalization of the Highland neighborhood at their recent meeting.

Council moved forward by unanimously approving a development agreement with Equity Plus to replace Norris Ridge Apartments, a privately owned Section 8 apartment complex in Highland that has long been a site targeted for redevelopment by the City of Spartanburg.

Under the approved agreement, the City of Spartanburg will transfer 10 properties — totaling around 25 acres — along Wofford St. on the Northside to Mississippi-based firm EquityPlus for construction of a mixed-income development that will serve as a replacement for the 190 units that will be lost with the eventual demolition of Norris Ridge Apartments.

Additionally, the developer will make payments in lieu of taxes, the bulk of which will be specified for use in future affordable housing activities. The development agreement also includes resources to support tenants through the transition process. Once the relocation is complete, EquityPlus has agreed to redevelop the current Norris Ridge site in accordance with the Highland Transformation Plan, currently under development with neighborhood leaders.

EquityPlus plans to construct the Mid-towne Heights project in three phases, with the first creating the 190 affordable units needed to replace units at Norris Ridge Apartments. Once complteted, EquityPlus will work with the city and the United Way of the Piedmont to assist in relocation of tenants. Construction on the Mid-towne Heights development is expected to begin this year, and it is expected to be up to three years before Norris Ridge residents can begin relocating to the new units.

For more on the recent Spartanburg City Council meeting, see the full video and link to live tweets from the meeting below.

April 27 City Council live tweets

Prepared by the City of Spartanburg.