Spartanburg District Two is proud to announce that Boiling Springs Middle School is a 2017-2018 National Beta School of Merit!
In a congratulatory letter to the school, Bob Bright, CEO of The National Beta Club, said, “Your school is receiving this prestigious honor as your Beta Chapter includes all eligible grade levels on your school’s campus.” Bright also commended BSMS for its “commitment to academic excellence.”
“I am extremely proud of the continued success of our Beta Club,” said BSMS Principal Penny Atkinson. “Our club serves our school and community with several projects each year.”
Atkinson also thanked club sponsors Evangeline English and Natalie Plunkett, along with several other sponsors, who she said, “…do a wonderful job supporting our young adults as they focus on the Keys of a Beta Club member.”
Plunkett said it is a “privilege” to serve as one of BSMS’ sponsors.
“This organization prepares today’s students to be tomorrow’s leaders,” Plunkett said. “This award shows how hard our students work to be Palmetto’s Finest.”
English said the 152 members of the BSMS Beta Club have taken part in a number of activities this year to benefit the community, including sending gift bags to area nursing homes on Valentine’s Day.
“Our Beta students work hard at service, fundraising, and competitions to make our school proud. We are excited about the future of Beta Club,” English said. “These students work extremely hard, and we are honored to receive this recognition.”