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Reaching Out to Those Affected by Alzheimer's Disease

Throughout the spring and summer of 2008, Hub City Writers is are collaborating with the local chapter of the Alzheimer's Association on a series of creative classes, called the Life Writing Series, for early-stage Alzheimer's patients and their caregivers. Led by board member Jeremy Jones, this series offers one-hour classes designed to acquaint participants with various forms of creative writing and lead them through journal-writing exercises. The classes are free and open to anyone affected directly or indirectly by Alzheimer's.

The Life Writing Series is based on autobiographical memory studies that suggest trying new forms of mental activity in general and the telling - or writing - of stories in particular has a therapeutic effect for both patients and their caregivers.

The roster of instructors includes poet John Lane, novelist Elizabeth Cox and columnist Kirk Neely. Each instructor will discuss a different kind of writing. A high ratio of facilitators and support staff allows for individualized attention and customized approaches to the exercises.

The classes meet on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 2:30 p.m. at Morningside Baptist Church. Journals are provided. For more information contact Joyce Finkle at 864-542-9998 or [email protected]

Hub City publishes two kinds of books: those that educate people about the place they live, and literary works (poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction) by emerging authors in this region. The organization generally publishes two to three titles a year but has published as many as four and as few as one. For more information, visit

(Image provided by Hub-Bub.)

all contents copyright © 2008, contact: [email protected] or 864.235.1211
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